What to achieve?

One of my friends told me that there’s a common interview question like following:

  • Write a Stack class which have push() and pop() method
    • Add get_max() method which returns the biggest element in the stack
    • get_max() must return the result in O(1)

It sounds interesting, doesn’t it?

An example to fulfill the requirement

There’s no description about memory space. How about using 2 stacks inside the Stack class to implement the trick? Let’s call the stacks as Stack A and Stack B. Stack A works as a normal stack, while Stack B is used to track the biggest number. The top of Stack B is always the biggest number and peeping the value of a stack is O(1).

Here’s how it works.

Assume that 3 is the first number to push


As the iamge above shows, 3 is pushed to Stack B when it’s empty.

Assume that 2 is the second number to push


2 is pushed to Stack A since it’s just a normal stack.

However, Stack B behaves differently. When it’s not empty, the value is compared with the value of the stack top. In this case, 2 is compared with 3 and Stack B won’t accept 2 since it’s smaller than 3.

Assume that 4 is the third number to push


4 is pushed to Stack A since it’s just a normal stack.

4 is pushed to Stack B as well because it’s bigger than the stack top of it, which is 3.

Like this way, the top of Stack B is always the biggest value of Stack A.

How to pop()?

pop() is relatively easy. pop() always retrieves the top of Stack A. If and only if the value retrieved from Stack A is the same as the top of Stack B, the top of Stack B is discarded.

Sample Code in Python

Here’s my sample code :)

#!/usr/bin/env python3

class MyStack(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.stack_a = []
        self.stack_b = []

    def get_max(self):
        It needs to be O(1)
        return self.stack_b[-1]

    def push(self, val):
        1) Push val to self.stack_a *always*
        2) Push val to self.stack_b when it's bigger than the stack top of the self.stack_b
        if 0 == len(self.stack_b) or self.stack_b[-1] < val:

    def pop(self):
        1) Pop val from self.stack_a *always*
        2) Pop val from self.stack_b when the val of 1) is same as the top of the self.stack_b
        stack_top = self.stack_a.pop()
        if stack_top == self.stack_b[-1]:

        return stack_top

if __name__ == "__main__":
    stack = MyStack()
    stack.push(3)  # [3]
    stack.push(2)  # [3, 2]
    stack.push(4)  # [3, 2, 4]
    stack.push(5)  # [3, 2, 4, 5]
    stack.push(4)  # [3, 2, 4, 5, 4]
    stack.push(1)  # [3, 2, 4, 5, 4, 1]

    print(stack.get_max())  # 5
    stack.pop()  # [3, 2, 4, 5, 4]
    print(stack.get_max())  # 5
    stack.pop()  # [3, 2, 4, 5]
    print(stack.get_max())  # 5
    stack.pop()  # [3, 2, 4]
    print(stack.get_max())  # 4
    stack.pop()  # [3, 2]
    print(stack.get_max())  # 3
    stack.pop()  # [3]
    print(stack.get_max())  # 3
    stack.pop()  # []