Kotlin Collection APIs
Here’s a list of snippets that may be a good reference for Kotlin newbies like me ;-) Basically, they’re coming from a lecture from Kotlin for Java Developer from Coursera.
enum class Gender { MALE, FEMALE }
data class Hero(
val name: String,
val age: Int,
val gender: Gender?
fun main() {
val heroes = listOf(
Hero("The Captain", 60, Gender.MALE),
Hero("Frenchy", 42, Gender.MALE),
Hero("The Kid", 9, null),
Hero("Lady Lauren", 29, Gender.FEMALE),
Hero("First Mate", 29, Gender.MALE),
Hero("Sir Stephen", 37, Gender.MALE)
println(heroes.last().name) // "Sir Stephen"
println(heroes.firstOrNull { it.age == 30 }?.name) // null
// println(heroes.first { it.age == 30}.name ) // NoSuchElementException
println(heroes.map { it.age }.distinct().size ) // 5
println(heroes.filter { it.age < 30 }.size ) // 3
val (youngest, oldest) = heroes.partition { it.age < 30 }
println(youngest.size) // 3
println(oldest.size) // 3
println(heroes.maxBy { it.age }?.name) // The Captain
println(heroes.all { it.age < 50}) // false
println(heroes.any { it.gender == Gender.FEMALE }) // true
val mapByAge: Map<Int, List<Hero>> = heroes.groupBy { it.age }
val (age, group) = mapByAge.maxBy { (_, group) -> group.size }!!
println(age) // 29
val mapByName: Map<String, Hero> = heroes.associateBy { it.name }
println(mapByName["Frenchy"]?.age) // 42
val unknownHero = Hero("Unknown", 0, null)
println(mapByName.getOrElse("unknown") { unknownHero }.age) // 0
val (first, second) = heroes
.flatMap { heroes.map { hero -> it to hero } }
.maxBy { it.first.age - it.second.age }!!
println(first.name) // The Captain
// Same as above
val allPossiblePairs = heroes
.flatMap { first ->
heroes.map { second -> first to second }
val (oldest2, youngest2) = allPossiblePairs
.maxBy { it.first.age - it.second.age }!!